Massage with a mission in mind. Although medical massage works best when combined with physical therapy or chiropractic care, neither are required.
Treatments include, but are not limited to: frozen shoulder, whiplash, migraines, plantar fasciitis, sciatic pain, scar tissue buildup, and old injuries. Medical massage addresses a specific area and is usually designed to increase range of motion while decreasing pain or discomfort in daily life. Although relief is usually experienced after the first treatment, most cases will yield maximum benefit if allowed a schedule of 2x-3x's a week for 2-4 weeks (depending on the severity of the issue). If there is not significant improvement by the 3rd (occasionally, the 4th session), a re-evaluation will be completed. This doesn’t happen often, but in the case that it does, the client will be offered a referral to a specialist in the surrounding area.
Additional tools/offerings upon request or necessity:
Hot packs
Cold packs
Kinesio Taping ($10 add-on)
Sessions will be offered as follows:
45 minute medical: ONLY FOR EXISTING CLIENTS (maintenance only, access to one tool)
60 minute medical (maintenance or active package treatment, access to 2-3 tools)
75 minute medical (first treatment, active package treatment, maintenance; recommended to
those needing the most work done, access to all tools)